Mar 23rd New Business Hours Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In keeping with requirement made by Prime Minister Andrew Holness, PHONE SUPPORT will be OPEN, as noted below.  After this date, we will update all customers on whether or not new dates of closure will be implemented based on the spread of COVID-19 and/or further instructions from Prime Minister Andrew Holness: Monday - Friday:  ... Read More »

Oct 5th Your Feedback is Valued at HB Jamaica.

We invite you to read and/or share your experience and comments with HBJamaica.  You are a valued member of the HB Jamaica Family and your feedback matters.  We want to hear from you.  Click to SHARE


Sep 15th Jamaica: Ecommerce Design in Jamaica

HBJamaica offers Ecommerce Website Design in Jamiaca at the BEST PRICES with the most features.  Now, HBJamaica is excited to release new features for those interested in Ecommerce design, in Jamaica, starting November 2016.

Keep checking for new updates.

Jun 15th You May NOT be able to receive payments through your website using Paypal by 17 June 2016

To avoid service interruptions, please ensure that your systems are SHA-256 compatible SSL CERTIFICATE by 17 June 2016.To continue to use Paypal IPN services, this upgrade is required.  Paypal IPN is an Instant Payment Notification (IPN) message service that notifies you of events related to PayPal transactions.  In esssence within our ... Read More »

Dec 17th New Client Area and cPanel Hosting Account User Interface **COMING SOON

HBJamaica will be rolling out in the next few weeks a brand new look for our Client Area as well as the cPanel for hosting customers, ...bringing our Client Area and cPanel closer together than ever before.You will be able to take full advantage of the all new Single Sign-On integration between our our Client Area, cPanel, Admin Panel and ... Read More »

Nov 10th Attention HBCommerce Customers

Coming soon....Lots of new features direct from your requests. Along with hundreds of tweaks and improvements to existing ones.  Keep checking for more updates.  The new features to be revealed in the early part of 2016.

Sep 1st to roll out its New Website in 2016

We are pleased to announce the launch of our newly redesigned Website!  The site was redesigned with mobile responsive layout, user-friendly navigation, cool social sharing features, and has been updated with the latest information about our products!  You’ll find everything you’re looking for in a few easy clicks.  Coming ... Read More »