Search Term Corrections

Use this tab to see a list of possibly mis-typed search terms entered by your store’s users, for which the shopping cart  offered corrections that the user then clicked.

 Search Statistics: Search Term Corrections

Search Statistics: Search Term Corrections

Search terms

This displays the text for which one or more users searched. Click the search term to display the search results in a new window.

Products shown before

This displays the number of your store’s products that displayed as search results before the store user clicked on the correction.

Corrected search terms

This displays the corrected term which the shopping cart  offered to the customer. Click the corrected search term to display the search results in a new window.

Products shown after

This displays the number of your store’s products that displayed as search results after the store user clicked on the correction.

Number of corrections

This displays the number of corrections offered to the user.


This displays Correction, indicating that the user clicked the suggested search term.




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