How to View Website Statistics in cPanel Using AWStats

When you have a website online, you may want to keep track of how many people are visiting your site. cPanel offers several built-in statistic reports, and AWStats is one of the more popular programs. AWStats updates every 24 hours and also instantly when you click the Update now link. The statistics report gives details about the amount of people coming to your website and other information such as:
  • Monthly history
  • Days of month
  • Days of week
  • Hours
  • Countries (top 25)
  • Hosts (top 25)
  • Authenticated users (top 10)
  • Robots/Spiders visitors (top 25)
  • Visits duration
  • Files types
  • Pages-URL (top 25)
  • Operating systems (top 10)
  • Browsers (top 10)
  • Connect to site from
  • Search key phrases (top 10)
  • Search keywords (top 25)
  • Top Keywords
  • HTTP error codes


    HOW TO Access AWStats in CPANEL

    To access AWStats for your site:

    1. Log into cPanel.
    2. In the METRICS section, click the AWStats icon.
    3. Click the view icon next to the domain name for which you wish to view stats.

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