How to change date.timezone

You can modify different php settings for your account, including timezone, using a php.ini file.

If you do not have it yet, please refer to the guidelines below on how to add it:

    How to edit php.ini file on shared servers

On our shared servers the"America/New_York" timezone is set by default.

To change it, you will need to update the following value in your php.ini file:

date.timezone =


Once configured, do not forget to save the changes.

If your account is hosted on a shared server, the suPHP configuration directive should be added to your .htaccess file to make these settings global for the entire account. You can find step-by-step instructions here.

If your account is located on a business server, no other changes are to be made.

Here you can find the guidelines on how to get the default timezone used by all date/time functions in a script.

That's it!

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