Configuring the website - Overview

The Settings category in the administration panel and the different pages and options there allows you to manage the configuration options of the website like the listings expiration time, currency, time zone, payment options,  event categories, locations and others. You may find below a list and description  of the different configuration options and settings pages.

The Settings category contains the following  pages:

•   Configuration Options (on which you may find and set the general website configuration options)

•   Payments (allowing to set the charging mode for the website and create and manage the user subscriptions and pricing plans)

•   Event Categories (on which the administrator can see and edit the categories for the event listings posted on the website)

•   Locations (the page can be used to set the locations and regions shown on the site)

•   Banner Areas (allowing to create and configure banner zones / banner areas in which the users can upload their banners for a fee)

•   Field Values (allowing to change the default value of the user profile fields)

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