Configuration Option

The Configuration Options page allows to change the basic settings like the system email address, url format and others. Please find below information about the different settings and configuration options shown on this page.

Facebook Page URL, Twitter Page URL, Google+ Page URL
In these fields you can enter the urls of your Facebook, Google+ or Twitter pages, which will show then as icons / links in the Connect With Us section on the website

Ads Expire Time (Days)
With this setting you can control the number of days in which the event listings posted on the website will expire. The default value is 365 (meaning that the event listings posted  on the website will expire in 365 days), but you can easily change it with another number  of days you may prefer. If you set it to: -1, then the event listings posted  on the website will never expire.

Enable SEO URLs
The search engines optimised urls look like static html pages and have keywords in the url (which allows better indexing by search engines like Google).

System Email Address

The email address, which will appear as sender of the system emails of the website. So for example if your website is installed on, the system email address should be whatever@yourdomain.comIMPORTANT:  if specifying an email from a different email  provider  like then you will NOT receive the emails.

System Email From Field
The name of the sender of the system email address, usually your website name or company name.

Send email to new users
If set to yes, then welcome emails will be sent to the new users who sign up on the website.

New advertiser email subject, New advertiser email text
If you choose to send welcome emails to the new users signing up on the website, with these fields you can enter the subject and text of the emails to be sent to the new advertiser users registering on the site.

Number of results per page
By changing the value of this setting, you can control how many listings will show up on the search result pages shown after  an user makes a search or browse a category etc. The default value is set to 10, meaning that 10 event listings will be shown per page.

Website date format string

By entering a valid PHP date format string, you can change the format of the date displayed on the website. Full information  on the supported  date format strings can be found on:

 Here are a few examples:

"F j, Y, g:i a" // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm

"m.d.y" // 03.10.01

"j, n, Y" // 10, 3, 2001 "H:i:s"  // 17:16:18

Number of listings in Featured section
Use this setting to control  the number of featured  listings, which will show up in the Featured Listings section to the right. Please note that if there are featured listings on the website than the available positions (number you set in this field), then the featured  listings will show up randomly in the Featured Listings section

New user email subject, New user email text
If you choose to send welcome emails to the new users signing up on the website, you can enter in these fields the subject and text of the emails to be sent to the new website users (the users who register for the events or purchase tickets for events)

Use CAPTCHA images to prevent spamming
A good way to avoid automatic form submissions when creating a web form is to add some kind of verification. One of the best ways is to use an image verification, called also captcha. What it does is to dynamically create an image with a random string displayed on it. Then visitor is asked to type that string in a text field and once the form is submitted it checks if the string on the image matches the one inputted by the user.

The usage of  the captcha images is enabled  by default, but  if you would  like to disable it (for example if the PHP graphics library - GD isn't installed on your website), you could change the value of this setting to “NO”.

Website time zone
With this setting you can change the default time zone on the website.  SEO text to be appended  to the category page title w
hen clicking on a category, the default page title will be the category name. By adding  custom text in this field, you can customise the titles of the category  pages, which will be then the Category Title + Your Text (so in this way you can create unique titles for better  search engines optimisation).

SEO text to be appended  to the category page meta description

By adding a text in this field, you can add a text, which will be appended to the default meta description for SEO purposes.

SEO text to be appended  to the category meta keywords
By adding a text in this field, you can add a text, which will be appended to the default meta keywords for SEO purposes.

Show number of listings in category
If set to yes, will show the number of listings in each category on the front site. Keep set to NO, if you don't wish these numbers to show up.

Enable Facebook Login, Facebook APP ID, Facebook Secret
Using these settings, you can enable the Facebook log in feature on the front site and set your Facebook APP ID and Secret (it's a Facebook requirement to register your website with them and get an application ID and secret before the log in system could be used on your website). See link of a Step-by-Step Guide on how to register your site or visit our online knowledge base in the support section of our website to find a visual guide on how you could register your site on Facebook and get an application ID and secret.

Enable Twitter Login, Twitter Key, Twitter Secret
You can use these settings to enable the Twitter log in on the website and set the Twitter key and secret required by Twitter.  To create a new Twitter key and secret for your website to be used with the Twitter log in system, it’s necessary to go to and there log in, if necessary.  On this page you have to enter the Application Name (you can enter for example your website name or another name you prefer), Description and your website url. The you have to submit the form by clicking the Create your Twitter Application and on the next screen you’ll see the key and secret that you can copy in these fields in the listings Portal administration pane. Please also see link od a Step-byStep guid on how to register

Enable LinkedIn Login, LinkedIn Key, LinkedIn Secret

Similar to Facebook and Twitter, LinkedIn also requires the you create an application  for your page in order to use their log in system. To create an application  and get your key and secret for it, you have to go to  and  there  log in with your LinkedIn account, click on Create a New Application and follow the steps - the key and recreate will be generated on the last step and you can copy them in the corresponding fields on the Configuration Options page in the admin panel.

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