How to add a sub-account or contact to your account

HBjamaica requjires that any third party or individual that you desire us to have a discussion with concerning your account MUST be listed within your contacts of your Client area. To add or remove contacts, please follow these instructions.

Creating a sub-account or secondary contact for your HBJamaica client area is fairly simple.

1.  Login to your existing account at

2. Click "Hello, (yourname)!" in the top right hand area, and then click "CONTACTS / SUB-ACCOUNTS"

3. Add the Name, Email, Phone Number, Permission and Password for the contact.

While completing the form, please ensure that you choose the permission you desire. If you want this contact to be able to actually login to the client area to either pay invoices, create support tickets, manage your products (hosting accounts, domains), or upgrade/downgrade your account, check the box "Activate sub-account."

Create a new password for this user, and choose the applicable permissions. Click Save at the bottom.

For a contact that you only desire HBJamaica staff to ONLY have DESIGN or GENERAL discussions with and NOT discuss PRICES, DO NOT SELECT ANY PERMISSION, simply go the section labeled:  EMAIL PREFERENCES and Select SUPPORT EMAILS - ALLOW this user to open tickets in your account. They will only be able to ask general questions and we will not discuss any prices with them.  We will simply send a quotation to YOU based on their ticket submission and discussion.  If you want prices to be discussed with your contact, select VIEW & ACCEPT QUOTES  under the SUB-ACCOUNT PERMISSION section.

That's It!

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