How To Set Up Your EMAIL using IncrediMail

This tutorial assumes you’ve already created your new email account in your web hosting account.


Now let’s learn how to setup that new email account in IncrediMail, so you’ll be able to send/receive emails to/from that new email account from here.


1. Open IncrediMail.

2. Select "Tools" -> "Email Accounts"


3. Click on the "Add" button to add the new mail account.


4. You need to select "Other".

5. In the "Your name is" field you should enter the name, which you would like to appear on the messages you send. It may be your own name, you company name, etc. Enter in the "Your email address" field.

Click on the "Next" button.

6. Set the type of the incoming mail server to POP3.

For incoming and outgoing mail servers, you should use

Click on the "Next" button.



7. Click on "ОК".


8. Select the mail account that you just created and click on "Properties".


9. Click on "Servers" and check the "My server requires authentication" option.


9b. Click on "Use same settings as my incoming mail server".

10. Click on the "Advanced" tab and set the "Outgoing mail (SMTP) server" port to 465, and "Incoming mail (POP3)" need to be checked port to 995.

Click on "OK".

11. Click on "Close".



That’s it! We’ve successfully setup an email account, and can now start sending and receiving emails to and from that account, from IncrediMail.


This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to setup an email account in IncrediMail. Remember that you also have to create that email address in your hosting account before it will work.

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