

1. Log in to your cPanel > Metrcis section > Awstats menu: 2. Once inside, select the...

 Awstats Stats Explained

The Awstats tool provides very useful information about the visits on your website. In this...

 Creating an Email Signature in RoundCube

Email signatures are generally used to display the sender's name and contact information at the...

 Do you have any restrictions on sending out emails

Yes, we do have some restrictions. We do not allow sending out: more than 200 emails per hour...

 How can I check my website access logs?

Using the Raw Access Logs menu in cPanel, you can check the traffic coming to your website before...

 How to Adjust Email Quota (space) in cPanel

When creating email accounts in cPanel, users have the ability to set the email quota for each...

 How to block IPs from accessing your website

Sometimes you might need to prevent access to the website or whole hosting account for specific...

 How to change the password of an e-mail account

We recommend to change your password at least once a month. To do so, please do the following:...

 How to configure SpamAssassin in cPanel

Apache SpamAssassin is a user-friendly email utility which examines incoming mail for different...

 How to create a site/domain redirect in cPanel

1. Log into your cPanel. 2. Navigate to the Domains section and click on the Redirects option: 3....

 How to run scripts via cron jobs

If you want to run scripts on a scheduled basis, keep in mind the following: 1. According to our...

 How to use File Manager in cPanel

In this guideline, you will find detailed instructions how to manage (add, delete, view, modify)...

 Raw Access

Log into your cPanel > Metrics section > Raw Access menu: In the Configure Logs section,...


This interface of cPanel allows you to view the statics and analytics for your domains. These...

 Webmail programs

HBJamaica offers you a choice in webmail programs. You can pick whichever one you are most...